34 Images Tagged "Greenwashing Winter 2025" (page 3 of 4)

Greenwashing Winter 2025

Tomato Ketchup

The advertisement that I chose is from “Heinz Tomato Ketchup”. The Heinz brand owns several products but this advertisement is specified in the tomato Ketchup. The advertisement is…

Analyzing whether Club Ocean’s Advertisements Truthfully Portray Its Mission

While scrolling through Instagram, I met with an ad that I had never seen before. The image split horizontally from the center; the upper half had a pastel…


First Home

The “Interior Saving” advertisement suggests a clear and direct message: the importance of acquiring one’s own home and the active role of the institution in the community. The…


Introduction By highlighting international market access, FX trading, and indices the commercial promotes Contracts for Difference (CFD) trading. Contracts for Difference (CFDs) are becoming more popular with traders…

It’s Toasted!

The 1930 “It’s Toasted!” advertisement for Lucky Strikes cigarettes is a great example of how pseudo-medical endorsements were used to market products. Aimed primarily at American and Western…

The A-Z of Vaping

The image I chose is the intro to an ad made by the BC government. The ad campaign is titled The A-Z of Vaping and focuses on discussing…


Merit’s Everything Bag. This ad delivers the message that you can get a free Merit tote bag with any online purchase over $125. Merit is a beauty brand…

Combined Comfort Systems Climate Change Commercial

The sea of advertisements is mostly a homogenous blend between the same ideas spread across every screen and physical place they possibly can find the space for; once…

Cowboys Ad

Assignment #1 This advertisement was made by Cowboys Roadhouse, which is a club in Winnipeg. This is a club my friends and I go to the most making…