Message and it’s claims to socially responsible practice.

The advertisement shows a lady in her youth who aspire to save the earth from pollutions, and after several years in her old age, she appreciates Volkswagen for providing a vehicle with zero emission to the environment. The message from Volkswagen shows their progression from their petrol version to all-electric indicating a less pollutant environment.

Agenda the company pushes and ideas viewers should accept.

Volkswagen is trying to convince viewers to purchase the all-electric vehicle because it will save the earth from pollutions that has been an on-going issue.

Target Audience

• Eco-Friendly Viewers: The image appeals to Individuals that want a zero emissions vehicle, to help promote a safe environment.

• Car Enthusiast: Individuals who loves cars and the new functions added to the all-electric model.

Advertisement ability to be successful.

The advertisement will be successful because Volkswagen implemented these factors:

• Trend Relatability: With the ongoing argument about saving the planet from pollution. Majority of the viewers will resonate with the progression from petrol to all-electric.

• Emotional Resonation: With the idea of a lady who looked sad requesting for an all-electric vehicle to an elderly version of her smiling, while appreciating Volkswagen for providing a zero-emission vehicle.

• Message Clarity: The image shows both vehicles in different side of the screen to further emphasis on the vehicle. The logo can also be visibly seen on both sides as well.

• Visual Impact: The image on the right depicts a dull atmosphere in the petrol version and a sad young lady with the sign of (SAVE THE EARTH), whereas the image on the right shows a brighter atmosphere with an elderly lady appreciating Volkswagen for final saving the earth.

The advertisement is created by Volkswagen to promote their all-electric vehicle. It is a still image for the digital market. The ads show a sad lady with a petrol-powered Volkswagen, expressing concerns about environmental issues to an elderly version of her appreciating the all-electric Volkswagen. It shows the progression from a more harmful substance to the environment to a less harmful one.

The younger lady shows an expression of worry and determination depicting her emotions towards her concerns for the planet, while the elderly woman looks joyful and happy showcasing her appreciation towards the company decision to finally produce a zero emission that will benefit the environment. A dull color (how the USA depicts Mexico in movies) was used to depict the old petrol version of Volkswagen representing a polluted environment, while a clearer image and environment with brighter colors was used to represent a healthier environment the all-electric Volkswagen offers to the community.

The old vehicle is also slightly farther to the subject signifying distasteful, On the other hand, the all-electric vehicle is a bit closer to the subject signifying satisfaction with subject.

The advertisement showcases their awareness to tackle environmental issues that contributes to the progress of a safer world. It also further encourages viewers that by purchasing this all-electric vehicle they can contribute to make the world less pollutant.

The visual representation of a troubled young lady with the petrol Volkswagen, to an elderly version of the same lady years after being happy and satisfied by the positive’s outcomes of the all-electric Volkswagen.

The advertisement effectively conveyed their message to its target audience by utilizing emotional subjects and color differentiation to convince viewers that opting for the all-electric Volkswagen is the best option. In my opinion the image doesn’t resonate with me because I don’t believe owning a petrol-powered Volkswagen is going to make me sad nor the zero-emission version will save the earth.

Volkswagen is a brand known for its commitment to innovation, sustainability and reliability in vehicles and engine.


The Volkswagen emissions scandal “Dieselgate,” highlights how they protected corporate social responsibility and mitigate damage from corporate irresponsibility that has influenced their brand management, corporate reputation, trust, sustainability, and sustainable mobility. Volkswagen created a bug to pass all the test that is required for a vehicle to be fit for the environment and after thorough investigation and admission from Volkswagen. It showed the government cannot trust private industries to internalize negative effects of their product from its citizen.

Citizens of Quebec were authorized by court to get compensated for environmental damage products caused to the society and incentivizing polluters such as Volkswagen to account for full social cost of pollution. Without implementing effective processes, German corporate directors risk failing in their monitoring roles, leading to corporate integrity failures like the Volkswagen emissions scandal, unless they adopt a Process-Oriented Approach.


Parker, Larissa. “The Disconnected Arrival of Climate Change Class Actions in Quebec.” McGill Journal of Sustainable Development Law / Revue de Droit Du Développement Durable de McGill 17, no. 1 (2021): 99–123.

Arbour, Marie-Eve. “Volkswagen: Bugs and Outlooks in Car Industry Regulation, Governance and Liability.” European Journal of Risk Regulation 7, no. 1 (2016): 4–10.

Zhang M, Atwal G, Kaiser M. Corporate social irresponsibility and stakeholder ecosystems: The case of Volkswagen Dieselgate scandal. Strategic Change. 2021; 30: 79–85.

Nicola F. Sharpe, Volkswagen’s Bad Decisions & Harmful Emissions: How Poor Process Corrupted Codetermination in Germany’s Dual Board Structure, 7 Mich. Bus. & EntrepreneurialL. Rev. 49 (2017).

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