The Kingsman: The Golden Circle

The movie Kingsman: The Golden Circle employs a few tried-and-true action movie formulas, such opening with a dramatic, high-octane fight. Despite taking many potentially bone-crushing punches to his face and torso during a fierce struggle, Eggsy escapes unharmed and his flawlessly fitting suit remains unblemished. Moreover, there is a lot of technology, including vicious mechanical dogs, and split-second lifesaving.(Moreland,2017)After the world is taken prisoner and the Kingsman headquarters are destroyed, their trip finds them in the United States, where they discover an allied spy organization named Statesman that has existed since the day both organizations were created. Action scenes in “Kingsman: The Golden Circle” are distinguished for their quick cutting, exciting choreography, and creative use of visual effects. A notable instance of creative editing in the movie is the pivotal battle sequence involving Taron Egerton’s character Eggsy and Edward Holcroft’s character Charlie in Poppy’s(Villain) jungle hideout. This is getting to be a bit of a habit for Eggsy the Agent, but in a new adventure that pushes the limits of their agents’ cunning and strength, these two elite secret organizations team up to combat a vicious common adversary in order to rescue the planet. Moreover, The elaborate set design, vivid color scheme, and meticulous dedication to detail in the mise en scene enhance the suspense and excitement of the scenario.

The phrase “mise en scène” (which means “everything you see in a scene”) is a French term and is used in filmmaking. The lighting, the clothing the characters wear, the props (items the characters use or interact with), the environment (i.e., the location of the scene), and even the characters’ gestures and facial expressions are all included. Essentially, the goal is to visually express the story and create a specific mood or atmosphere by the arrangement and appearance of objects in a scene(John,2002). Props like the umbrella and suitcases are part of the mise en scene; these items operate as uncommon weaponry that the actors use in the conflict. These props highlight the characters’ resourcefulness and ingenuity in battle situations by bringing a layer of innovation and unpredictable elements to the action. The characters’ outfits add even more to the scene’s visual storytelling. While opponents may wear eye-catching, colorful clothing that highlights their unique personalities and wicked impulses, the protagonists may wear elegant, tailored suits typical of the Kingsman organization. While dramatic lighting effects like highlights and shadows give the composition more depth and complexity.

Three steps make up the editing process: choosing takes and determining their length; arranging and scheduling shots, scenes, and sequences; and combining them with the music(Valerie,2003). In essence, editing is a connective procedure. And this technique we can use in the images which i have provided, Rapid cuts and dynamic transitions between shots are probably used in these two umbrella scene’s editing to keep the audience completely engaged in the action and maintain a fast-paced rhythm. The exact movements of Eggsy as he uses the suitcase and umbrella as weapons have been captured in quick cuts, showcasing the dexterity and accuracy of his fighting abilities. Close-ups of the briefcase and umbrella being utilized in different scenarios, including deflecting blows or launching attacks, highlight how adaptable they are as non-traditional weapons. We can also see that in image 1 the background is blurred so all of our focus goes on the action and gun shot firing from the suitcase. In order to give the impression of immediacy and intensity, the camera movement in this scene is probably also dynamic and fluid, closely tracking the motions of the characters. To give the audience the impression that they are in the middle of the action, handheld camera work and Steadicam shots have been used to establish intimacy and immersion. To capture the action from unusual vantage points and heighten the scene’s visual intrigue and excitement, the camera may also employ creative angles and viewpoints. Box Office Mojo reports that “Kingsman: The Secret Service” made over $414 million in global box office receipts, indicating the film’s commercial success.

The film may explore the ways in which media representations of violence and power relations might shape the attitudes and actions of audiences. They might look into the possible impacts of watching violent or intense media on views toward authority, handling conflict, and relating to others. It is imperative to acknowledge that personal reactions to media can differ, and the impact of a solitary film on actual conduct is intricate and multidimensional. As of now, this movie hasn’t had any negative effects on anyone in real life. But I can give a personal example, I can state that it did persuade my nephew to use a briefcase and umbrella as a weapon and shield in place of swords, which I thought was unique and harmless.


Moreland, T. A. “‘Kingsman: The Golden Circle’ Is Roundly Entertaining.” New York Amsterdam News, September 28, 2017.

Orpen, Valerie. 2003. Film Editing: The Art of the Expressive. Google Books. Wallflower Press.

Gibbs, John, and John Edward Gibbs. 2002. Mise-En-Scène: Film Style and Interpretation. Google Books. Wallflower Press.

IMDbPro. 2019. “Box Office Mojo.” 2019.

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1 Comment

  1. Emily Guzman

    The student describes action in the scene successfully, they provide an specific analysis of how the elements in the movie affect the overall scene and how it impacts the experience of the viewer itself. However, the academic sources utilized do not contribute to the analysis as they were only used to describe terms. In the third paragraph where the impact of the movie on violence and its viewers is being discussed there is a conclusion that there is no negative effect found. This argument could have actually been benefited from research so that all factors are taken into consideration before denying its actual impact. The use of academic articles to prove or deny points, or explore them would have provided more depth to the argument of the essay more than to explain the terms.

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