The Invincible Iron Man: From a knight in shining armor to a broken man

Iron Man has become an incredibly well-known superhero in the Marvel Movies franchise, which is currently owned by Disney Corporation. The Original Iron Man, created by Stan Lee, was supposed to represent a new age version of the classic metaphor of a “Knight in Shining Armor”. Stan Lee loved the legends of King Arthur. Stan Lee had no intention of linking this character to a robot. He said that when he created the character “I was thinking of a man wearing 20th Century armor that would give him great power”. (Nowotny 2016) The first incarnation of Iron Man was very simple and crude. Tony Stark is completely covered in a bulky metal suit. He has a very square frame with no definition of his body. The whole suit is made of one metal and has no color differentiation. His metal helmet had narrow slots in the eyes and mouth area. It would be impossible for him to display any emotion on his face. Indeed, he looks much like a Medieval Knight who is wearing his armor on the outside of his body, and he looks a giant tin can.

Like King Arthur, Tony Stark is a rich and powerful man, but he is not a so noble and virtuous. Stark is flawed and is often compared to the “Tin Man” in the Wizard of Oz. (Nowotny 2016) Stark needed to build a powerful metal suit after being injured, which protects his heart. Stark can create his suit and modify it because he is a rich man, a “nepo baby” who owns a huge corporation that manufactures weapons. Stark’s enemies have mentioned that he never did have a heart in the first place because he is an arms dealer who is known for causing death and destruction with his weapons. Stark now uses his new armor like a knight to challenge or fight his enemies, most of whom are trying to steal the technology that he has created to use against him. He is a guy who is trying to protect what is his, which fits the constructed masculine image in our culture. Tony Stark is considered a leader in the Marvel Universe. He is a leader because he has money, power and political connections to make SHIELD respect him. He is not seen as being as virtuous as “Captain America”, but he is a “tragic hero” who is willing to sacrifice everything for what he considers to be the right thing. “ (Nowotny 2016)

Iron Man’s development of his suit to its current form is quite dramatic. Tony is always changing the design in his comics. The suit went from silver to gold, and now is a mix of red and gold. The outer-frame that was once bulky is radically changed to a sleek, flexible and muscular skin-like suit. The explanation for this is that Stark has managed to manipulate genetics and has the armor now embedded into his DNA. The armor is no longer on the outside but is part of his bone structure. This has allowed the character to be the “ideal” male physique who represents bravery, dependability and honorability. (East Carolina University 2020) Stark also changed the helmet. He now has larger eye and mouth slots. He still looks intimidating, but he can now somehow express outward emotion.

Tony Stark the person is a very smart, scientific man, sort of like an “Elon Musk” in today’s world. Tony Stark, like other superheroes, has a “divided personae” (Julian C. Chambliss 2008). Although he seems to be a strong male figure, in real life he is not. Tony is a complicated character who flirts with women, and he is thought to be a womanizer and a playboy, but he is weak and insecure. Stark was a big disappointment to his dad, who thought he wasn’t a real man and called him a “sissy”. (Nowotny 2016) Tony Stark is also revealed to be an alcoholic. Recent comics have even tackled the issue of Tony’s Erectile Dysfunction, which may stem from having heart issues. Although Stark has the title of being invincible in his armor, his heart condition makes him very vulnerable.

Stark in early comics fights Communist and represents the “American Military Industrial Complex” but now he has learned to be suspicious of any government. (Nowotny 2016) Tony has also learned to fear his own powers. He sees himself and the other Superheroes as weapons who can sometimes cause a great deal of death and destruction. Stark reflects how superheroes these days are darker and more violent than in the past. (Monique 2019) These characters are often conflicted about who they are and their role as protectors. The “Knight in Shining Armor”, the strong male role model, has been swapped out. I think that men today can relate to a person who looks put together, who is rich and successful and handsome, but is not happy. This is what in the end makes him likable and relatable.

East Carolina University. 2020. “With Superheroes Comes the Pressure of Unrealistic Male Bodies.” healthline 1-8.
Julian C. Chambliss, William L. Svitavsky. 2008. “From Pulp Hero to Superhero: Culture, Race, and Identity in American Popular Culture, 1900-1940.” Rollins College 1-34.
Monique, Joelle. 2019. The Hollywood Reporter. January 19. Accessed February 28, 2024.
Nowotny, Joanna. 2016. “The Human Shell: The Iron Man Armour as an Agent of Heroism.” helden. heroes. héros. 65-78.

Shared By: Justin Komljenovich
Source: Left image posted by
Image Alt Text: Iron Man from Mavel Comics in 1963 vs. Iron Man in 2008

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  1. McKenzie Leard

    The analysis thoroughly examines Iron Man’s transition from a conventional “Knight in Shining Armor” archetype to a multifaceted and flawed character. It effectively emphasizes the transformation by the initial portrayal of Iron Man as a rigid, unexpressive suit resembling medieval armor with the more dynamic and emotionally resonant design reflecting Tony Stark’s growth and inner conflicts.
    The essay skillfully draws parallels between Iron Man and legendary figures like King Arthur and the Tin Man from “The Wizard of Oz,” providing valuable context to understand the evolution of Iron Man’s character. Additionally, the integration of scholarly sources, such as Nowotny (2016), East Carolina University (2020), Julian C. Chambliss (2008), and Monique (2019), adds depth and credibility to the analysis, showcasing a well-researched perspective.
    Moreover, the essay effectively highlights Stark’s complexities as a character, portraying him as a symbol of power and wealth and as a flawed and vulnerable individual. This nuanced portrayal contributes to Stark’s relatability and likability among modern audiences, reflecting real-life struggles and insecurities.
    While the analysis successfully explores Iron Man’s individual evolution, there are opportunities for further exploration. For instance, examining the broader cultural implications of Iron Man’s transformation could provide additional insights into changing perceptions of heroism and masculinity in contemporary society. Additionally, expanding on Stark’s role in representing the American military-industrial complex and his subsequent disillusionment with authority would enrich the critique.
    The analysis offers insight into Iron Man’s character development, effectively supported by scholarly sources and visual comparisons. By acknowledging the study’s strengths while suggesting areas for further exploration, the critique maintains a balanced perspective, recognizing the writer’s achievements while offering constructive feedback for improvement.

  2. Lara VanWoerden

    Justin has well described and critically analyzed these two characters in the Marvel comics. He has a god knowledge of these characters and understands the differences in their chacteritstics overtim. One of the main points Justin makes is that Tony Stark is a broken character in the newer comic. He has become a person with broken habbits and charcteristics such as being an alcoholic, having a vulnerable heart, his “Erectile Dysfunction”, being known as the “tragic hero” and a “nepo baby”. Additionally to this, Justin explains thatThere has been a change in the Iron Man comics, having become darker and moreviolent. Tony has lost his honerability and strength, becoming agile and prideful instead. He fights to defend his belongings and saving the world from the wrongful use (by others) of his own technology. Justin also notes the differences in Iron Man’s apearence, having his armor become tighter fit and even becoming part of his body so he can achieve that hyper masculine look his character has begun to exibit in his personality.
    Justin might have missed out other hyper musculine characteristics of this character such as Tony becoming more sexual and treating others with a more sexual intent -reducing women at time down to their bodies and the potential pleasure he may have in them. Justin could be hinting at this when he mentions Tony’s “Erectile Dysfunction”, however he does not fully clarify what he means by mentioning this in his critique.
    I do believe that Justin’s twoimages do reflect his discussion, since it depicts the more muscular, tight fit armor that the other older character does not exhibit. They also show just how much technology, and through that his money, Tony has aquired in his newer character. Finally it also sheds light on Tony’s vulnerable heart that he has in the newer comics, which leads into the new found brokeness of his character. I additionally like the he managed to find these two images with the character in very similar poses, letting us examine their figures and the differences between them.

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