Tentree’s efforts to create an environmental approach to marketing.

The Tentree advertisement campaign provides a visual narrative that greatly appeals to
the many people who support earth friendly products. Tentree’s marketing mission is
For every item purchased, Tentree vows to plant ten trees. Their clothes are made from organic cotton, hemp, and recycled polyester material that aids to their strong
environmental view on products they produce.

Tentree’s advertisement is a direct statement of Tentree’s commitment to being an
eco-conscious brand. The numerous hands seemingly planting trees serve as a
powerful message, harnessing the emotional pull that
the environment can have on individuals choosing what to buy to better the
world’s well-being. This emotional appeal is a powerful tool in persuading the
audience, creating an emotional connection that goes beyond the product itself.
The call to action in the visual narrative is clear, choosing Tentree you are
doing a small part in saving the environment one product at a time.

The likely target audience for this advertisement is a diverse
group united by a common belief of environmental consciousness. Tentree aims to
resonate with those who prioritize sustainability in their lifestyle and
fashion choices. Which can greatly enlarge their targeted consumers.
The advertisement’s potential for success is rooted in its
alignment for environmental values. In a generation where brand identity and
how their brand is perceived either through social media or way of talk,
Tentree positions itself strategically in good lighting resulting in consumers
having a feeling of accomplishment when purchasing products.The seemingly
transparent connection in buying some Tentree products and also adding the
constant aid in helping the environment outcome has caused a growing consumer
demand that has become a precedent for other companies to follow.

However, as consumers become more skeptical, the concept of
“greenwashing” looms. While Tentree’s claims appear genuine, the audience must
evaluate the transparency of the company’s practices. Transparent
practices not only prove claims but also foster trust and loyalty among
consumers. which in a daenage so heavily involved in social media can be a
detriment and possible downfall of a company. Any bad press can greatly
jeopardize a company going forward, especially allegations such as false

This advertisement that I’ve chosen, employs nature imagery and
the visual representation of tree-planting as powerful symbols. These symbols
communicate Tentree’s commitment to sustainability, fostering a sense of shared
values with the audience. It is a simple visual, which allows for a universal
understanding, with no social or language barriers and can reach a global
audience. With one goal, save the planet.
Culturally, Tentree’s advertisement captures the context of a
society undergoing a shift in values. As environmental concerns take center
stage, consumers increasingly seek brands that align with their evolving
ethical considerations. This cultural alignment positions Tentree not just as a
clothing brand but as a participant in a broader movement towards eco-friendly

Ethically, the advertisement sparks a necessary conversation
about the responsibility of companies to act and back up what and who they
stand with when producing captivating advertisement campaigns. The gratitude to
purchase Tentree products as a means of contributing to the reforestation issue
is very satisfying, but as a consumer, no matter the brand, they should be
making a conscious effort to research said advertisement as some companies are
wolves in sheep’s clothing, meaning some express great values and ethical
relations when in reality it is all a campaign stint that doesn’t align with
the company’s real views.

In conclusion, the Tentree advertisement navigates the delicate
balance between consumer and action taker. Its success is contingent on the
brand’s ability to uphold the promises made in the advertisement, stay true to
its claims through transparent practices, and maintain alignment with the
cultural and ethical landscape. As consumers increasingly demand authenticity
and accountability, Tentree’s commitment to sustainability may very well be the
cornerstone of its success in an era where environmental consciousness is not
just a trend but also a way of living, to further protect the next generations.

Fish, Isabella. 2021. “Tentree: A Tree-Planting Company That Happens to Sell Clothing.” Drapers. October 20, 2021. https://www.drapersonline.com/insight/comment/tentree-a-tree-planting-company-that-happens-to-sell-clothing.

‌Read, Ash. 2019. “Behind a Record-Breaking Instagram Marketing Campaign.” Buffer Resources. June 26, 2019. https://buffer.com/resources/tentree-earth-day-social-media-campaign/.

‌tentree. n.d. “Materials.” Tentree. https://www.tentree.com/pages/materials.
‌“Tentree’s Reforestation and Agroforestry Efforts Explained.” 2017. THE ENVIRONMENTOR. October 22, 2017.

‌“Tentree – a Positive Impact.” 2016. BUS446. BUS446. October 5, 2016.


Shared By: Jayden
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1 Comment

  1. Jayden did an excellent job summarizing Tentree’s promise to plant ten trees per item purchased, as well as their commitment to sustaining the environment by way of “giving back” to the planet by way of an honourable and innovative method of enticing customers to buy their products. Jayden is able to effectively describe the way in which this is eco friendly, and describe how Tentree as a whole is focused on ecological friendly clothing. The main points of Jayden’s submission consist of Tentree’s goal of reforestation as well as economic sustainability, which he is able to convey through describing the image he included as well as the message behind it effectively. Jayden does have a lack of scholarly sources however, now wether that be the relative new practice they use being just under ten years since they started planting trees, or rather no scholarly sources for this specific subject. Overall, Jayden’s submission was an excellent addition to this subject. However, I’d be interested to see a bit more emphasis on the supposed false advertising that Tentree was accused of in terms of greenwashing, though I do think the inclusion of the controversy was a excellent addition alongside his point about being skeptical when it comes to considering companies “true” ethics.

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