Mcdonald’s APP

Haolin Jiang
Terryl Atkins
30 September 2022

Analysis of McDonald’s advertisement

The advertisement showed up on my cellphone while I was watching Youtube. It was released by McDonald’s and recommended their APP about “getting rewards.” I would like to say this is a time-based advertisement. It shows the benefits and what you could earn from their APP.

First of all, the whole image is pretty colorful and uses the traditional McDonald’s colors of red and yellow. From the top of the image are a few classic snacks from McDonald’s: Fries, Hash Browns, Burgers, and donuts. In the middle of the image, a
brown hand is holding a cell phone with a cup of coffee on the screen. The entire image is divided into two sections, using white and yellow to distinguish them. The first part, which shows snacks, is in white, and the second part shows the important information
is under yellow color. The arrangement of these two colors makes the whole image look comfortable rather than cluttered, which is a clever design. The quality of this image is clear, except for a small line of text at the bottom. I would like to say the striking feature
of the image is the brown hand in the middle. The brown color perfectly matches the white and yellow parts of the image and gives the image more contrast and vividness.

Secondly, the advertisement conveys that consumers could get bonus points while using McDonald’s APP and redeem them for free food. It uses a large font to illustrate this information, especially emphasizing the free and large number of points to
attract attention. Moreover, the use of color is also ingenious. Instead of the yellow background, it uses red to indicate their important information.

Based on the information I collected from this advertisement, I think it effectively conveys the message only to the consumers who like McDonald’s or have consumed at McDonald’s. Still, it isn’t easy to understand for consumers who have never eaten at
McDonald’s or rarely use cell phones. However, it indicates the benefits for those consumers who never used McDonald’s APP before: “you could get 5000 bonus points on your first order”. And the pictures of snacks at the top could attract the people who
have never eaten at Mcdonald’s before. I have to say this advertisement attracted me a lot when I first saw it. I had never used their APP before, and now I know what benefits I could earn while using their APP on my first order.

At the end of this analysis, I want to share some opinions about McDonald’s manufacturing and environmental practices. Nowadays, McDonald’s has the largest global market in restaurant chain enterprises. After eighty years of growth, McDonald’s
has successfully crossed national borders and brought its business management concepts to different countries worldwide. As an International student, I have known Mcdonald’s since childhood. In the 1990s, McDonald’s opened up the Chinese market,
injected fresh blood into China’s industry, and passed on valuable business and development concepts. (Han 72) stated that different countries have different food requirements, and McDonald’s has released new products suited to local consumers. For instance, “McDonald’s has ignored that Chinese costumers prefer chicken dishes than beef burgers, which are their main products.” (Han 73) Then, McDonald’s added chicken meals to attract more people in China.Moreover, McDonald’s serves a unique ‘Big Mac’ based on vegetables and lamb in India. (Vrontis 8) pointed out that
“Innovations are significant in a country where Hindus do not eat beef.” However, as time passed, people today care more about their health. These fast foods could cause people fat and even cancer.”McDonald’s has added salads and other lighter opinions into their menu.” (Han 74) There are various signs that McDonald’s has made many efforts to develop in every country. Environmental protection is also very significant for a company’s development.
(Vrontis 7) indicated that “environment groups forced McDonald’s to reduce its use of plastic and styrofoam packing.” Although McDonald’s research showed that environmental issues would not have any impact on scales, they chose to cooperate with environmental groups to reduce unnecessary waste. As a large-scale restaurant operating globally, McDonald’s has to listen to and accepts many critiques or feedback from customers around the world. As I mentioned before, McDonald’s made a lot of efforts in different countries and tried to be more convenient.
McDonald’s faces challenges from many countries and competition from its peers. In order to expand market share, McDonald’s has to learn continuously to match customers’ tastes and accept more ideas to improve and innovate their food.

Shared By: Haolin
Source: Han, J. (2008). The business strategy of McDonald’s. International Journal of Business and Management, 3(11), 72-74. Vrontis, Demetris, and Pavlos Pavlou.
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1 Comment

  1. haylee smith

    This student did an excellent job of describing the advertisement with very good detail. The colours are described well and the use of why they were chosen, the images in the picture are explained in a way you can also almost imagine them inside your head without even seeing them. The details in the essay are written great and show the author’s thoughts behind every piece of the picture. However , I cannot find any distinction that the advertisement has anything to do with greenwashing. If you look into the company’s past you can find out that they have been in their own few greenwashing scandals, yet I cannot seem to find anything resembling the environment at all. I can see that the student put a lot of work into the assignment and did a great job at analysing the advertisement. It just seems as if maybe there wasn’t a full understanding of the assignment itself. There is also just a small section near the end where the author points out some of the instances where Mcdonalds has had problems with promoting things that are supposed to be plant-based and helpful to the environment when it was proved not to be. If the author had used something relating more to greenwashing I would say they did a perfect job and that is the only thing I would change. The student only cited one source, whereas in the instructions it says minimum two sources. Besides the fact that there are not enough sources, the source that was used seems reliable and that it was written by educated people.

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